Level 2 - International Diploma of Professional Kinesiology Practice - Integrative Mind
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BKP International Certification (Level 2)

International Diploma in

Professional Kinesiology Practice™

BKP International Certification (Level 2)


International Diploma in Professional Kinesiology Practice™


MST  14.201

Muscle & Skin Activation

PIB  3.203

Basic Brain Skills

ECO  6.201

Lifestyle & Dietary Modification

JAF  5.201

TMJ & Cranials

MST  14.202

Shoulder, Elbow, Hand Muscle Protocol

MST  14.203

Hip, Leg, Foot Muscle Protocol

MST  14.301

Head, Neck and Trunk Muscle Protocol

MST  14.302

Touch, Clothes and  Environment

MST  14.303

Emotional Anatomy & Intelligence

ECO  6.202

Immune Mismatch Responses: Allergies & Sensitivities

ECO  6.301

Adrenal, Geopathic and Life Energy

ECO  6.302

Cleansing & Detoxification

EMS  2.301

Subconscious Self Perception

EMS  2.302

Genetic & Meridian Emotional Release

JAF  5.301

Ligaments and Joints

JAF  5.302

Injury, Strain and Inflexibility


Anatomy & Physiology 2: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pathology


Supervised Student Clinic Experience (50 hours)


Clinical Practice Client Sessions (50 hours)


Personal Kinesiology Sessions (minimum 5)

International Diploma in Professional Kinesiology Practice

The ICPKP Diploma of Professional Kinesiology Practice is essential for kinesiologists wanting to build their skills and establish themselves among the elite of kinesiology practitioners.


The course builds on the material covered in the Certificate, providing advanced techniques and in-depth knowledge on topics introduced briefly in BKP101-110. These include immune mismatch response (allergies), brain integration techniques, hypertonic muscle release, and advanced stress release and muscle testing. It also includes Anatomy and Physiology, Nutrition Science, Professional Development and Research components.


Prerequisite: ICPKP International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice.

MST201-en : Muscles, Skin and Touch



The purpose of this unit is to develop skill and understanding in identifying meridian energy imbalance related to muscles, muscle circuits and skin and applying corrective procedures.


Those who have completed this unit will be able to evaluate and balance for skin stretch response; scar reintegration; hyoid; blood chemistry; thymus-spleen energy imbalances; cranial and hand stress receptors; intercostal muscle reset; shapes of structure; under-facilitation or over-facilitation; myotomes; dermotomes; use temporal tap, eye rotations and a PKP database with balancing protocol.

MST201-en - Muscles, Skin and Touch

MST202-en : Shoulder/arm/hand muscles



The purpose of this unit is to develop skill and understanding in analysing muscle energy imbalance in the shoulder girdle and upper limb.


People completing this unit will be able to use manual muscle tests and corrections to facilitate increased function and performance in the shoulder girdle and upper limb.

MST202-en - Shoulderarmhand muscles

MST203-en : Hip, Thigh, Leg and Foot Muscles



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills and understanding in analysing muscle energy imbalances in the hip and lower limb.


People completing this unit will be able to use manual muscle tests and corrections to facilitate increased function and performance in the hip and lower limb.

MST203-en - HipThighLeg and Foot Muscles

MST301-en : Head, Neck, Torso Muscles



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills and understanding in analysing energy imbalances in the head, neck, and torso.


People completing this unit will be able to use manual muscle tests and corrections to facilitate increased function and performance in the head, neck, and torso.

MST301-en - Head NeckTorso Muscles

MST302-en : Touch



The purpose of this unit is to develop skill and understanding of the effect of touch over people.


Those who have completed this unit will be able to: discuss touching in relation to culture and contact; identify the adverse effects of past and/or present situations involving deprivation. inappropriate or excessive touch; to use intuitive touch in a healing setting and manner; use Kinesiological procedures to defuse associated meridian energy imbalance and assist the client develop a future action plan in relation to touch.


MST303-en : Emotional Anatomy and Intelligence



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills and understanding using Kinesiology techniques to relieve the stress associated with body shape, stance, and response to life stressors; develop emotional intelligence; clear deeply imbedded amygdala emotions.


Those completing this unit will be able to identify underbound, overbound, and complex emotional layering responses, and their associated patterns of emotional distress and somatic function; identify and defuse deeply imbedded amygdala emotions; build emotional intelligence in relationships.


ECO201-en : Lifestyle and Dietary Modification



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to dietary needs.


Those completing this unit will be able to use integration for organ energy, addition and/or deletion of specific foods and/or herbs and/or supplements, nutritional analysis, slow/fast vibratory foods, rehydration, sleepers, Riddler points, blood sugar balance, liver function, dysfunctional tissue techniques, and assess the need for a lifestyle change.

ECO201-en - Lifestyle and Dietary Modification

ECO202-en : Immune Mismatch Response – Allergies & Hypersensitivity



The purpose of this unit is to develop skill and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to allergies and hypersensitivity to food and/or other environmental factors.


Those completing this unit will be able to use allergy (sensitivity) modes to identify stressful substances; resolve allergy causal factors.

ECO202-en - Immune Mismatch Response - Allergies & Hypersensitivity

ECO301-en : Adrenal, Geopathic and Life Energy



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to increase energy, vitality, and high-level wellness.


Those completing this unit will be able to use the fatigue-vitality, adrenal dysfunction with and/or without activity and lifestyle change enablement techniques; monitor geopathic and geospiritual stress kinesiological and create a personal enhancement programme.

ECO301-en Adrenal Geopathic and Life Energy

ECO302-en : Cleansing and Detoxification



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills in rebalancing body energy affected by organisms, foreign chemicals, or toxicity in the body and an understanding of detoxification and biochemical pathways.


Those completing this unit will be able to identify and resolve excesses of supplements, drugs or medications, foreign chemicals, overgrowths, bacteria, viruses, parasites, or heavy metals using physiology processes, biochemical pathways, and detoxification processes.

ECO302-en - Cleansing and Detoxification

JAF201-en : TMJ and Cranials



The purpose of this unit is to develop Kinesiology techniques to correct meridian energy imbalance in the cranium and temporomandibular joint.


Those completing this unit will be able to balance energy dysfunction of the cranium and temporomandibular joint, using rebreathing, simultaneous neuro lymphatic-neurovascular stimulation, cranial inhalation, and exhalation reset, sagittal suture-cerebrospinal fluid, and inferior occiput techniques.


JAF301-en : Ligaments and Joints



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance in joints.


Those who have completed this unit will be able to use shock absorbers, local ligament stretch, general adrenal ligament stretch, contralateral joint ligament interlink techniques.


JAF302-en : Inflexibility



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to inflexibility.


Those completing this unit will be able to use injury recall, pitch, roll and yaw, strain/counter strain, unwinding, homolateral muscle, specific exercise selection, CIA stretch, and shock absorber techniques.

JAF302-en - Inflexibility

PIB203-en : Brain Integration Technique Level I



The purpose of this unit is to develop skills and understanding in using Kinesiology techniques to correct energy imbalance related to neurological blindspots caused by fear, pain and self-doubt, and learning disabilities and dyslexia.


SSC : Supervised Student Clinic experience



Comprises 50 hours of supervised student clinic experience.

CPS : Clinical Practice Client experience



Comprises 50 hours of supervised clinical client experience.

PKS : Personal Kinesiology Sessions



Students are required to have a minimum of 5 personal kinesiology sessions during the course.