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Our feelings and our body’s responses are messages.

Paying attention to the messages unlocks the wisdom of our souls.

Kinesiology is a healing therapy that uses a variety of techniques to identify and move energetic blockages to restore balance to the body in order to rehabilitate the body-mind connection. 


This holistic remedy re-establishes the flow of energy through our body system to rebalance physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. 


Once impediments are removed we are able to achieve integration and optimal functionality and well-being. 


Do you feel stressed? Are you feeling lethargic? Lost? Experiencing muscle stiffness, pain or headaches? Do you often get sick? Do you feel like something is standing in the way of your path or your purpose? Discouraged? Tired? Lost your spark?


These are all symptoms and signals that our bodies send us to warn us that the natural, self-healing system of our bodies has been disturbed. We are out of balance. An underlying, unsolved issue is causing this imbalanced cycle. The longer we circle this off-balance path the deeper the groove becomes – we are deepening the rut that we are trying to overcome.


Does this sound all too familiar to you? Are you ready to become unstuck?

Get in Contact!

Is Kinesiology for you?

Who should see a Kinesiologist?


If you are feeling blocked – like there’s a hurdle in your life that you are battling to master – or if you find yourself in the same situations, rotating round to the same problems and feelings, Kinesiology can assist you in identifying where there is congestion and how to release it. 


When words fail us, when something feels wrong but we can’t put our finger on it, Kinesiology gives us a map to find our way out of the exhausting vortex.


Restoring the natural balance of your personal energy signature shifts the mental, emotional and physical perspective from depletion to empowerment and abundance.


This new vantage point opens us up to possibilities and opportunities and new ways to move on – we become unstuck. Instead of being disorientated we become re-orientated with our internal compass.


The first step is to discover and work on where the energy has become blocked so that we can work on releasing the pent up frustration of energy that can lead to energetic toxicity. This could be on an emotional, physical, mental or spiritual plane. When one or more levels are out of harmony, this effects the whole being. 


Because Kinesiology draws on ancient and modern wisdom, combining eastern and western healing practices, your Kinesiologist is a blend of coach, therapist and professional practitioner. 


You should be physically, emotionally and energetically comfortable with your Kinesiologist. Treatment is a collaboration between client and Kinesiologist that transpires in a safe, nurturing, supportive space. 


Kinesiology traditionally means the study of body movement. However, in the natural health field the term Kinesiology is used in a different way. Here, muscles become monitors of stress and imbalance within the person where “muscle testing”, the technique applied in kinesiology, is used as a verification tool for detecting and correcting various imbalances in the person which may relate to mental, emotional or physical stress, nutritional imbalances, learning problems, injuries and so on. 


Clients are encouraged to regain control and take responsibility for their own energy matrix. 


Ready to explore the benefits of Kinesiology?

About Kinesiology

Are you listening to your body?

When under severe stress or emotional stress, our bodies talk to us through symptoms or disease, which results from blocking the flow of life. 


Symptoms are not the problem but merely the messenger. When the symptoms are treated, you can find out what the message is your body is telling you. For example, if you had a loss in your life you suddenly feel depressed, hopeless, or angry and get physically ill. If only the physical illness is treated, you might miss the real cause that the emotional trauma is causing.

I specialize in 4 types of healing modalities that have been developed with a holistic understanding of how dis-ease is created and eradicated in the body:

Bach Flower

Bach Flower

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School of Kinesiology

Self-Care Short Courses


The new epigenetic science reveals that your perceptions control your biology. This places you in the driver’s seat because if you can change your perceptions, you can shape and direct your own genetic expression.

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What is stress, and how does the body respond to it? Understanding this will help you and your clients manage your stress, recharge your life energy and recover more quickly from illness and injury.

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Certification Courses


You and your clients often want to improve your energy level to help you look and feel better. The workshop teaches a number of techniques originally developed by the people of Tibet to aid healing and improve energy and vitality.

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BKP International Certification (Level 1)

International Certification in
Professional Kinesiology Practice
BKP International Certification (Level 1)

BKP International Certification (Level 2)

International Certification in
Professional Kinesiology Practice
BKP International Certification (Level 2)

BKP International Certification (Level 3)

International Certification in
Professional Kinesiology Practice
BKP International Certification (Level 3)

BKP International Certification (Level 4)

International Certification in
Professional Kinesiology Practice
BKP International Certification (Level 4)